Health Protocols.
We want to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for our community. Here are some ways we are working to keep our community healthy, in addition to information you might find useful too!
COVID-19 Safety Measures
All participants and staff will be expected to follow these safety measures:
Participate in daily symptoms check and check-in
Participate in contact-tracing as necessary
Wear a fitted mask at all times indoors (covering nose, mouth, and chin with minimal gaps on the sides)
Disposable masks provided
May remove masks *outdoors* as long as they remain social-distanced
Frequently wash hands and use hand sanitizer
We will also follow these safety measures:
Room sanitized between class cohorts
Air filters provided indoors
Resources for COVID-testing and/or vaccinations available
Continue to stay updated with Alameda County Public Health Department guidance
We recognize that no one method is the solution, but rather the combination of various measures will enable us to keep our community safe!